
普通会员第 13
主营产品: ignition ignitor manifolds combustion
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We are the manufacturer of Ceramic Ignitions which are used to help Gas Bunner, Gas Oven, Water Heater, Fire Place, Boiler to spark.

Application or description:Heat Water Parts, Electrodes, Manifolds, ignitor, ignition,ceramic ignitor,ceramic ignition, burner ignition, boiler ignitor,Ceramic electrodes,fireplace ignition,heater ignitor,combustion ignition,gas cooker,Stove, sparking for water heater, outdoor heater, heating equipment, gas ranges, patio heater, combustion equipment

Changzhou and Yuyao formed Peak Industries and established its head office in Shanghai. In its continuous endeavor for excellence, the group's products line has now expanded to include stamped and extruded stainless steel parts, stainless steel stretch formed parts, as well as aluminum and plastic consumer products. Peak Industries now has distributor/agent networks throughout several provinces in China and many countries/regions including USA, Brazil, Sweden, and Hong Kong etc.

  • jianniwei
  • 86-021-65887768
  • Tower 5, Lane 1135 Baotou, Shanghai, China