
螺杆式空压机销售与维修保养 Screw compressors sales and maintenance 苏州川田机械有限公司是一家专业致力于各式进口﹑国产空气压缩机系统 Ciatin suzhou Machinery co., ltd is a professional dedicated to 的销售、服务、维修、保养、主机大修和空气压缩机PLC及节能变频改造的服 various types of imported Chinese-made air compressor system sale 务型公司。 services, repairs, maintenance, overhaul and air compressors PLC andfrequency transformation of energy-saving service services companies 空压机系统持续稳定运行对生产的影响是至关重要的,因此良好的保养保障Sustained and stable operation of air compressor system of production 措施和提供快速准确地故障解决方案也许是您所面临的棘手问题。我们拥有该 is essential Therefore the maintenance of good security measures and 领域的技术积累和专业人才,了解空压机实际运行中的各种性能状态,具备快 failure to provide quick and accurate solutions you may be facing the 速判定并解决空压机系统各种问题的能力,将您所面临的问题与我们沟通,我difficult problem.We have accumulated in the field of technology and们可以帮助您顺利地解决难题,作为一个专业的空压机系统服务商,我们将提 professional personnel, the actual operation of the compressoperformanc 供您有效的解决方案,在最短的时间内恢复生产,从而避免浪费时间。 With rapid air compressor system to determine and address the various issues, will be the problemsfaced by you communicate with us, We can help you solve problems successfully, as a professional service provider of air compressor systems, we willprovide you with effective solutions in the shortest time possible the resumption of production, thereby avoiding a waste of time. 在空压机维修方面:我公司力求推行把好的技术及最优质的服务提供给国 Maintenance of the compressor: I seek the implementation of the 内所有空压机用户,维修品牌涉及:阿特拉斯、复盛、寿力、英格索兰、日立、 company to good technology and the best qualit yervice available to 神钢、三井、凯撒、加顿丹佛、向阳、瀚钟、固力、韩信、、侑宏、开山、红 s all users , Involved in maintenance of the brand: Atlas, Fusheng, 五环、康普艾、富达、博莱特、伯格等;同时销售活塞式空压机、高效过滤器Sullair,Ingersoll-Rand,Hitachi, Kobelco, Mitsui, Julius Caesar, Garton 各和大品牌精密过滤器、冷冻式干燥机、吸附式干燥机等一系列空压机后处理 Denver, Xiang Yang, Han Zhong, solid edge, Han, Yu-hong, mountains, 设备. Red Five Rings, copar, Fidelity, Bolet, Beg, etc.; At the same time, sales of piston-type air compressor, high efficiency filters and all major brands, freezers dryers, adsorption dryers and other processing equipment after a series of air compressor 公司始终秉持"质量创优!真诚高效!争创一流"的企业精神.但我们相信没 Companies always uphold the principle of "quality excellence! 有最好,只有更好.我们必须不断创新 锐意进取,才能为客户提供更优质的产品. Sincere and efficient! Give top-notch" forgeentrepreneurial spirit. 至诚至真的服务每一位客户,专业、负责、诚信的苏州川田机械公司将提 However, we believe that there is no best, only better. We must continue 供给广大客户全方面的优质、周到的售前及售后服务。 to innovate and ahead in order to provide customers with more quality products. Really sincere service to every customer,Professional, responsible, Ciatin suzhou machinery co., Ltd..aircraft will be made available to our customers all aspects of high-quality, pre-sales and after-sales service and thoughtful. 苏州市川田机械有限公司 Ciatin Machinery Suzhou Co., Ltd. 公司地址:苏州市东吴南路凯越大厦0908室 营业直通: (86)512 6279 8589 传真:(86)512 6279 8579 营业专线:(86)139 1322 6238 (86)189 1551 4189 MSN :ruhang.chen@hotmail.com E-mail:ciatin@163.com http://www.ciatin.com
主营产品 空压机及机械配件
主营行业 电工电气 / 电热设备 / 电热线
经营模式 未填写
员工人数 未填写
主要经营地点 苏州东吴南路凯越大厦
企业类型 企业单位
公司规模 未填写
公司注册地址 江苏 苏州
主营产品 空压机及机械配件
注册年份 2009
注册资本 未填写
在线留言 QQ交谈 电话联系