供应乐泰3128 LOCTITE3128 30ML
广东地区:陈先159.200.59002 咨询
LOCTITE? 3128? is a one part, heat curable epoxy. This
product is designed to cure at low temperature and gives
excellent adhesion on a wide range of materials in
considerably short time. Typical applications include Memory
cards, CCD/CMOS Assemblies. Particularly suited where low
curing temperatures are required for heat sensitive
深圳乐泰3128 批量供应优势货源
汉高公司提供的高效, 优质, 环保的LOCTITE-乐泰系列螺纹锁固剂, 管螺纹密封剂, 结构胶,紫外线固化的结构胶, 环氧胶, 平面密封胶, 圆柱型零件固持胶, 表面处理剂, 预涂螺纹胶,浸渗密封剂;Hysol系列的电子产品粘合剂;TEROSON泰罗松系列的硅橡胶,聚胺脂, 处理剂, 不干胶, 焊缝密封胶, 氯丁胶;FREKOTE系列的橡胶脱模剂和复合材料脱模剂;前处理系列的P3 / Ridoline中性清洗剂及防锈剂,Alodine铬化剂,Bonderite / Granodine磷化液及钝化剂,以及水处理剂;3Autophoretic系列的自泳漆等产品。