盘锦干豆腐机多少钱 干豆腐机图片大全 干豆腐机哪家好Boil the water, add half a teaspoon of the alkali, put the wrapped cloth in, boil for 30 to 60 minutes, the water will be thick yellow. Before use, remove the water from the cloth, place a basin of water on the peeling machine, and put the cloth into the water basin to wash the cloth and roll the cloth.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉
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2.自动干豆腐机——自动抽浆: 全自动干豆腐机无须人工上浆,只要轻轻一按开关,就能实现全自动抽浆,这样循环生产大大的节省了人工,提高了生产效率。
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The multi-function dry tofu machine has stainless steel peeling machine, easy to operate, easy to realize automatic peeling, and peeling dry tofu smooth and elastic, no skin peeling.电话/微信:186-5372-9249 联系人:紫玉