上海武田机电有限公司专业销售 COLZANI减速机,COLZANI齿轮,COLZANI齿轮箱,产品型号齐全,价格优廉,欢迎咨询订购!
意大利COLZANI INGRANAGGI是一个新兴的企业,致力于重型齿轮及减速机的研发,产品主要应用于钢铁冶金等行业.
Colzani Ingranaggi srl is a young company, but it has behind the experience of the firm M.P. di Antonio Colzani & C. acquired in over 13 years of working in the field of drive gearing. The company is able to offer gears for all kinds of industry, and it already numbers among its customers the leading Italian firms in this sector. In details we are highly specialized in the field of the machines and systems for working of sheet metal. In order to guarantee a complete customer satisfaction, the organization of the firm is based upon flexibility, short delivery time, total quality, monitoring of every stage in the production cycle (Chemical Analysis of Material Certificate, Thermic Treatment Certificate, Graphs for Toothing Check).