in the hard-line resources to root out the best performance, precision farming performing arts market, to build the price of performing artists through the same time, does not encroach on the terminal market, so that partners (business consulting companies, advertising agencies, public relations firms, cultural transmission, ritual ceremonies companies, exhibition companies, entertainment companies, etc.) to help business or government customers in the planning of performances, promotional activities and public relations events, not because it is not a comprehensive performance and production resources into clever Nothing is rice the dilemma.
Scattered in the performance market and the imbalance of information, so many excellent performances and the artists did not get the quality of their performance is proportional to the volume of business performance. of carefully selected artists from the numerous high-quality performance artists, direct referral to a partner, more money is worry and effort of outstanding performing arts resources outsourcing partner.
联系人: 甘先生
电话: 020-8458 3458 / 13580494948
Q Q: 1654635562
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