1.01 Does the factory have a designated inspection room/area? 工厂是否有定的检验室/区?
1.02 Is there enough space for the Functional Area? 工厂厂区是否足?
1.03 Is the Functional Area clean and organized? 工厂厂区是否清洁有序?
1.04 Does the Functional Area have sufficient lighting? 工厂厂区是否有足的照明?
1.05 Is the Functional Area well ventilated? (To Include Air Conditioning where identified as requirement) 工厂厂区是否通风良好( 包括按照规定应安装空调)?
1.06 Is In-house Lab conditioned as per AATCC/ASTM standards? 内实验室的条件符合AATCC/ASTM标准吗?
1.07 Is there an Appearance room/ASTM specs (should include Target primary source UL 3000 as well)? BLACK ROOM 工厂有符合ASTM规格并装有UL3000等设备的暗房吗?
1.08 Does the factory have a sample room? 工厂有打样间吗?
1.09 Does the plant have a "back up" power supply available that will allow production to continue in case of power failure? 停电后,工厂有自备的发电设备吗?