标准 Classification |
GB/T 10858-2008············ HS 331 AWS A5.10·············· ER 4043 |
焊材化学成分指标 % Typical composition in % |
Si·················· 4.50—5.50 Fe·················· <0.80 Cu·················· <0.30 Mn················· <0.05 Mg··············· < 0.05 Cr················· 0.05—0.20 Zn·················· <0.10 Be··············· <0.0003 Ti················ <0.20 其余Others··············· <0.05 其余总和Others Total·········· <0.15 |
物理性能指标 Physical properties (Approx.Values) |
屈服极限 0.2% yield strength Rpo2 (Mpa)··· 40 拉伸强度 Tensile Strength Rm (Mpa)····· 120 延伸率 Elongation A5 (L0=5d0) (%)····· 8 试验温度 Test Temperature (℃)····· 20 |
性能特点及用途 Performance & Usage |
本品为含硅5%的铝合金焊丝,是一种用途广泛的通用型焊材,适合焊接或堆焊5%硅的铸锻铝合金,强度高,可锻性好,抗腐蚀性好。本品能为经阳极化处理的焊接提供良好的配色。 This type of product is widely used in general welding material with the Si of 5%, which can be used in jointing or overlay forging and casting alloys processing. And the product is of high toughness , good forgeability, and well anti-comosiveness. |
保护气体 Shielding gas |
焊接氩气、氮气、或氩气—氮气混合气体 Argon, Helium, or Argon/Helium—mixtures. |
规格Φ Dimensions Φ |
盘装焊丝MIG—wires (mm): 0.8 ; 0.9 ; 1.0 ; 1.2 ; 1.6 ; 2.0 ; 2.4 直条焊丝TIG —rods(mm): 1.6 ; 2.0 ; 2.4 ; 3.2 ; 4.0 ; 5.0 ; 6.0 |
焊丝的包装 Wire Packagings |
盘装焊丝 (Mig Wires) : S100/0.5kg 1Lb , S200/2kg , S270-S300/6kg-7kg |
直条焊丝 (Tig Rod ) : 5/10kg ······· 长度length :1000mm |