(4)喷嘴可更换:普通脱硝喷枪的喷嘴和喷枪是整体的,喷嘴需要更换时,必须连同枪体一起更换,造成不必要的浪费。斐卓F 新eizhuo耐磨脱硝喷枪喷嘴与枪体采用螺纹连接,喷嘴需要更换时,不需要连同枪体一起更换,为企业节省了运行费用。
斐卓Feizhuogs 研发出的新型耐磨脱硝喷枪,使用寿命更长、脱硝效率更高、运行费用更低、现场操作维护更加方便,对脱硝现状又进一步得到提升,脱硝效率高,是现代化脱硝的不二之选。
Fei zhuo new denitration spray gun is my company research and development personnel in fully absorb the advantages of traditional denitration spray gun, based on the internal structure of renovation and successfully developed a new type of denitration spray gun, for working condition of denitration, denitration nozzle, the performance of the spray gun is to guarantee high denitration efficiency and operation cost, low ammonia escape, heat loss of the key.Its main characteristics are as follows:
The Feizhuo special research and development of high efficiency and energy saving cement denitration spray gun, is specially needle furnace condition and research and development, completely solved the two problems, to improve the cement SNCR denitration efficiency under the premise of greatly saves the use amount of ammonia or urea, for manufacturers to reach the goal of high efficiency and energy saving, is a cement plant denitration industry upgrading products.The product has been put into many manufacturers use, its performance and using effect is far superior to the traditional common spray gun, and will give your company bring considerable social benefit and economic benefit.
FM雾化喷枪HVLP高流量低气压雾化方式:HVLP(High Volume Low Pressure)高流量低气压喷涂技术是目前涂装行业较先进的现代喷涂技术。什么是高流量低气压?它是以极低的风帽雾化压力(0.7巴,进气压力为2.0巴)雾化涂料,从而减少过喷带来的涂料损耗及环境污染,配合相对较高的压缩空气流量(耗气量约为每分钟430公升)来补充能量,完成雾化;HVLP是1988年由美国加里佛尼亚州南海岸空气质量管理局提出并制定相关的1151环保管理条例,当时规定只有喷枪风帽处空气雾化压力低于0.7巴(≤0.7巴),而涂料传递效率高于65%的喷枪,亦即HVLP喷枪才可在区内使用。HVLP环保省漆系列喷枪的特点是节省涂料(实际使用比传统喷枪节省15-30%的涂料)及减少污染,然而其每分钟约430升的耗气量较传统喷枪略高,故需要较强而稳定的压缩空气供应系统及与传统喷枪稍为不同的喷涂手法。
FM air atomizing nozzle main features:
1, FIM gun series is divided into two types of spray, fan-shaped spray and circular spray.According to the demand of the customers can choose different shaped spray way;
2, FIM micro fog nozzle spray volume small, the average particle size within the 50 microns, maximum particle size of 120 microns.For the low gas water ratio, low flow of the two-fluid nozzle;
3, enough to deal with cooling tower dust environment, for the design of advanced, miniaturization;
4, a small enough nozzle and gun to strict environment installation convenient use;
5, equal distribution of flow, suitable for most of the nozzle arrangement;
6, spray particle size of the whole area of the