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Pelikan presents its renewed website www.pelikan.com in early May to the public

2024-04-03 11:5540

百利金于5月初向公众展示其更新的网站 www.pelikan.com

Visitors to the website www.pelikan.com will encounter a friendly environment in which both the wide range of Pelikan products will be presented, as well as information about the company and the brand, updates for parents and teachers, ideas and solutions for construction and leisure, as well as expert advice. In a separate field for each interested party there is complete photographic material and detailed information about each product.

From the same page, visitors can easily navigate to both the specialized page on Traditional Writing Instruments, as well as the corresponding page of the Herlitz brand.

Access can be done by any means, computer, laptop, tablet or mobile, while the content meets the needs of the user and the media connection.

(下)文教体育用品行业2022年一季度生产经营调研报告摘要 文体用品行业在经历了2020年新冠疫情的严重影响、逐步复工复产后,2021年进入恢复性增长阶段,主要经济指标平稳上升,但行业利润水平下降;大部分调研企业对2022年发展前景和一季度生产经营有一定信心,但面临市场订单不足、原材料价格继续增长、国际运费上涨且仓位难求、盈利水平下降等诸多压力。 (上)文教体育用品行业2022年一季度生产经营调研报告摘要 文体用品行业在经历了2020年新冠疫情的严重影响、逐步复工复产后,2021年进入恢复性增长阶段,主要经济指标平稳上升,但行业利润水平下降;大部分调研企业对2022年发展前景和一季度生产经营有一定信心,但面临市场订单不足、原材料价格继续增长、国际运费上涨且仓位难求、盈利水平下降等诸多压力。 GfK Markt Monitor: Weak March leads to declining trend 瑞士2022年第一季度的零售贸易销售额比上年同期减少了6%。其中,所有领域的玩具需求仍然很高,在2022年第一季度,季节性嘉年华用品也再次出现需求;家具市场略有下降,包括花园家具和炊具;网上购物的趋势仍在继续,但与去年第四季度的非常高的水平相比正在下降,截至3月底累计下降了12%。
产品标签: 行业 生产经营 水平 有一定 疫情
资讯标签: 行业 生产经营 水平 有一定 疫情
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