饮用水管卫生性能符合GB/T17219规定。 FRPP管www.chinatysj.com,玻纤增强聚丙烯frpp管材卓越的品质长久的使用寿命-----在额定温度、压力状况下,frpp管道可安全使用50年以上。
◇ 长久的使用寿命-----在额定温度、压力状况下,FRPP玻璃纤维聚丙烯管材可安全使用50年以上。
◇ 卓越的耐腐蚀性能-----FRPP管材能耐大多数化学物品的腐蚀,可在很大的范围内承受PH值范围在1-14的高浓度酸和碱的腐蚀。
◇ 优异的抗磨性能-----在输送矿砂泥浆时,FRPP管材的耐磨性是钢管的4倍以上。
◇ 较高的刚度-----由于加入了玻纤增强材料使FRPP管材不易变形。
◇ 耐热保温节能-----FRPP管材最高使用温度95度左右,该产品的导热系数仅为钢管的1/200,故有较好的保温性能。
◇ 可靠的连接性能-----FRPP管材热熔接口的强度高于管材本体,接缝不会由于土壤移动或载荷的作用而断开。
◇ 良好的施工性能-----FRPP管材质轻,焊接工艺简单,施工方便,工程综合造价低。
Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene FRPP tubes standard: choose the treatment of glass fiber modified polypropylene materials production, may transport the general use of water or corrosive liquid delivery.
Drinking water health performance accord with GB/T17219 provisions. Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene FRPP tubes excellent quality long service life - - - - - in rated temperature and pressure conditions, FRPP pipeline safe to use more than 50 years.
So long service life - - - - - in rated temperature and pressure conditions, FRPP glass fiber polypropylene pipe safe to use more than 50 years.
So excellent corrosion resistance - - - - - FRPP tubes ability most chemicals corrosion, but in large range bear PH value range in 1-14 high concentrations of acid and alkali corrosion.
So excellent antiwear performance - - - - - in conveying ore mud, FRPP tubes the wear resistance of the steel tube is more than four times.
So high stiffness - - - - - due to join the glass fiber reinforced material make FRPP tubes is out of shape not easily.
So heat insulation energy-saving - - - - - FRPP tubes maximum working temperature of 95 degrees or so, this product coefficient of thermal conductivity is only 1/200 of the steel pipe, it has good heat preservation performance.
So reliable connection performance - - - - - FRPP tubes hot melt interface strength is higher than pipe ontology, joint can be caused by soil move or load role and disconnect.
So good construction performance - - - - - FRPP tubes qualitative light, the welding process is simple, convenient construction, engineering comprehensive low cost.