pvdf管材是目前性能最好的塑料,具有非常优异的搞腐蚀性能和化学稳定性,工作温度范围从零下40度到零上150度,是生化制药半导体超纯水等行业的首选材料.PVDF管高效能塑料管路:PVDF-HP GF管路系统集团为超纯水(UPW)应用提供高纯度(HP)PVDF管路系统。
pvdf管材是一种高结晶度,高性能热塑性塑料,可用温度/压力范围广。SYGEF PVDF管路系统可以为特殊应用提供所有的产品,如半导体行业中的超纯水站。
产品具有良好的化学稳定性、耐化学腐蚀性和耐热稳定性。可在-62℃- +150℃温度范围内长期使用,PP管www.chinatysj.com,能耐除强溶剂外的所有盐、酸、碱、芳烃、卤素等介质。pvdf管具有:阻燃、耐疲苏不易折断、抗磨损、自润滑性能好,pp管良好的绝缘材料。其机械强度高:与PTFE相比:拉伸强度大2倍,压缩强度大6倍。耐磨性能:仅稍逊于NYLON6,UHMWPE。当温度压力同时存在时,其性能远优于其他塑料管。冶金行业废酸回收再生等领域的腐蚀性介质输送。PVDF管材用作腐蚀性液体、气体的输送管及电线、电缆保护管等
PVDF pipe is the best performance of plastic, has the very good make corrosion properties and chemical stability, working temperature range from 40 degrees below zero to 150 degree above freezing, biochemical pharmacy semiconductor ultrapure water industries preferred material. PVDF tube efficient plastic piping: PVDF - HP GF piping system group for ultrapure water (UPW) applied to provide high purity (HP) PVDF piping system.
PVDF pipe is a kind of high degree of crystallinity, high performance thermoplastic plastics, usable temperature/pressure range. SYGEF PVDF piping system for special applications to provide all of the products, such as the semiconductor industry in ultrapure water station.
The product has good chemical stability, resistance to chemical corrosion and heat stability. Can be in - 62 ℃ to + 150 ℃ temperature range use for a long time, ability strong solvents except outside all salt, acid, alkali, aromatics, halogen, and other media. PVDF tube has: flame retardant, endurance Sue not easy break, wear resistance, self-lubrication performance is good, good insulation material. Its high mechanical strength: compared with PTFE: tensile strength 2 times, compression strength big six times. Wear-resisting performance: only a bit in NYLON6, UHMWPE. When the temperature and pressure existing at the same time, its performance is far better than other plastic pipe. Metallurgical industry recycling waste acid in the fields of corrosive medium delivery. PVDF pipe used for corrosive liquid, gas transmission pipe and wire, cable protection tube, etc