n 自动温度补偿(0~45)OC;
Automatic temperature compensation (0~45)℃;
n 自动盐度补偿(0~45)ppt
automatic salinity compensation(0~45)ppt
n 自动气压补偿(80~105)kPa;
automatic air pressure compensation (80~105)kPa;
n 校准套水饱和空气自动校
Automatic calibration of calibration sleeve water saturated air;
n 稳定显示模式;符合GLP数据管理方式;
Stable display mode; GLP compliant data management;
n 数据储存500组(手动和自动储存);
Data storage up to 500 groups (manual and automatic storage);
n USB通讯接口;
USB communications interface;
n 温度单位可选择(OC和OF)
Temperature unit selection(℃and ℉)
n 可恢复出厂设置★;
Factory settings restorable ★;
n 配置有盐度补偿的溶氧电极★;电极校准套★,和智能搅拌器;
DO electrode with salinity compensation★; electrode
calibration sleeve ★; intelligent mixer;
n 90*68mm大屏幕液晶显示,白色背光;有时间显示;
90*68mm large-screen LCD display, white backlight; time display;
n 防护等级,符合IP54防尘防溅等级,仪表插口有橡胶帽密封保护★。
IP54 dust-proof & splash-proof, socket with sealing protection of rubber
cover ★.